Friday, June 30, 2006

It's Friday !!!!

Jumaat penghulu segala hari. Banyak perkara yang bagus yang patut dilakukan pada hari ini contohnya mandi pagi di hari Jumaat dan bersembahyang Jumaat. Tadi Khatib ada membincangkan tentang reality kita sekarang, sedih berlinangan air mata kerana kena singkir dari pertandingan tadi tidak sedih dan sukar untuk berlinangan air mata jika ugama kita di"bola-bolakan". Saya sokong apa yang khatib tuh war-war kan. Apa yang akan terjadi pada generasi muda atau anak2 kita kalau hiburan dan kelalaian yang digembar-gemburkan oleh persekitaran kita menjadi sebutan dan sambutan? Di akhir khutbah dia berpesan pada jemaah supaya berpandukan pada Al Quran dan al- Sunnah. Itu lah panduan terbaik jika kita ingin kan keredhaan dari Allah. Apa yang terkandung dalam Quran itulah panduan yang Allah sendiri dijamin kesejahteraan kita di dunia dan di akhirat. Dalam Surat At-Tin, ayat 8-9 bermaksud "Dan di antara manusia ada yang berkata: Kami telah beriman kepada Allah dan kepada hari akhirat; padahal mereka sebenarnya tidak beriman. Mereka hendak memperdayakan Allah dan orang-orang yang beriman, padahal mereka hanya memperdaya dirinya sendiri, sedang mereka tidak menyedarinya"
Kita patut jadikan Quran sebagai "Frame work" dasar atau management reference book kita. Masalahnya, kita baca tapi kita tidak faham so macamana nak faham apa yang hendak disampaikan. Contoh mudah kalau baca buku cerita tapi tak faham maksud/cerita sure tak tahu aper cerita dan message yang hendak disampaikan ..... itulah lebih kurang. Oleh itu sebagai seorang manusia yang disuruh untuk menyeru/menyampaikan, saya syorkan pada kita (saya dan anda) sementara Allah masih pinjamkan kita kehidupan di dunia nih, cuba ambil Quran dengan terjemaah baca dan faham dan yang terbaik amalkan terus. InsyaAllah Allah mesti membantu hamba-hambaNya yang berusaha. Saya tak pandai tapi saya nak belajar dan kongsi yang baik-baik agar kita sama-sama berjaya "Selamat" di dunia dan lebih2 lagi di akhirat.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Yes or No

It is look like a very simple topic but to come to that answer is some time very difficult. Let me share some story about what I experienced lately. Experienced about how making decision is very crucial to determine our path.
I think you will agree with me that life is full of decision making. To decide what you need to wear for that day, where to have lunch, what to eat and what time to return home. Sometime the decision we make impact us directly or indirectly and sometime can be catastropic or can be negligable consequences.
I would like to share my personally experience recently that poor decision making resulted in loss of trust to the people that work around you. Here is the story that I learnt today. Last few weeks, I volunteered to join the committee that plan to organise company's yearly function. At the early stage, I was reluctant to be part of the team but thinking of helping the company to organize something diffirent and exciting, I decided to join and help the company. At first stage we are very eager to work and look forward for this yearly event. The proposal was presented to the top management and they agreed with the proposal. We are so happy because this is the first time we manage to justify and bring out the function to outside of our boundaries. For the past 10 years we only allow to organizes the function within certain KM from our office. Everybody in the committee are so happy and ethusaism to hear the proposal is approved. Few meeting and discussion were taking place to plan and execute the task given. At that stage, all were assign with tasks and have to update to the chairlady regularly because the function day is very near. Suddently the top management send an email and changed thier decision due to some financial contrain. At that time the committee members are still accept with the reasons given. Althought that the team still ethutiasm and energetic to look for other alternative which will address the concern. The team manage to come out with other proposal that at later stage we presented to the top management and been approved as expected. In the next day of executing our tasks, we being hit by another decision that disallow us to proceed with that proposal without concrete reason. At this stage you can see the morale and motivation of the team members drop drastically from energetic to discooperate. People start to reject and pretend not to part of the team by keeping quite and become just a listener. Some people is try to pull out from the committee and feel no more value if he/she remains in the committee. The trust toward management is dereasing and deminishing which they feel this simple function also management unable to decide properly. People start creating speculation that management do not know how to make decision.
Personally what I feel, if I looose trust in people it is hard for me to retrust them. That why philoshoper did said "to build trust will take you years but to loss trust can be in a second". That how powerful the trust in each individual. That why today sharing is about making decision not building trust. If you are people who dealing a lot with big decision making, for sure you have to be systematic for certain decision making. The facts you have need to be strong and reliable to you.
I want to share some tips that I got it from a book call "Just About Everything manager need to Know" The book give us some tips which I think applicable to all of us in making desicision
1. Decision making is part of problem solving sometime adopt systematic approach.
2. Try not to spend too much time on small matter focus on important decision (priortise it)
3. Don't be victim of anlysis paralysis.
4. Have fact and figure right to conclude the decision.
5. Don't be afraid of making decision, if not doubt will conquer you.
6. Lesson from previous mistake did by you or other can be a guide to you.
7. Avoid making decision under stress.
8. Make the decision and move on. Not making decision after decision.
9. Relook at what you have to decide for benefit of you in future and be ready.


It is safety is about common sense?

It’s very common that we heard people said safety is about common sense. Is this true or is just another term that we normally use and we normally hear and make us believe it is a common sense. Initially as safety & health practitioner I did also buy in with this belief and still have some thought that some safety concern is really a common sense. Nearly 10 solid working years of my experiences in the safety and health fields, those belief is always with me and I tried many time to justify myself most of the safety concern can not be assumed as common sense. Let me trying to elaborate further why did I believe so.Let start with basic understanding of three main words itself, Safety, Common and Senses. A good start with what is safety, a plain definition or meaning of safety is prevent and control of accident from resulting in harm, damage and pollution. Referring to Longman dictionary safety mean “not in danger or harmful/not harmful”. The meaning doesn’t make much different in term of end result that is to ensure we have a good system or process that ensuring no/less danger or less harmful to those involve especially human. It is about prevention and controlling the hazard that can lead to an accident which result in harm, damage and pollution. The next word is about common, which can have similar synonyms as similar, frequent, general, universal, familiar and regular. This is referring to Microsoft word synonyms. Referred to the Longman dictionary is also referring to the same definition such as happening often, same, similar and a lot. A last word is about senses, that is about feeling about something or the ability to understand and judge something which come from our 5 gifted basic senses like feeling, sight, hearing, taste and smell. If we combine those three words meaning we can roughly said that the ability to understand and judge using our senses to interpret the universal or general thought that can prevent and/or control hazard from harm, damage and pollution.Common sense can originate from two main factors and to that extend from certain judgment and the understanding of certain concern and issue. The two most common factors the influence decision is an outcome of these two basic elements.1. Understanding of the subject matter. This about the knowledge that person have that will assist him or her to derive the decision effectively. In other simple term, if you have better knowledge for certain subject for sure your decision will be more appropriate and will produce a better outcome.2. The other factor is about your experience of dealing with the issue or challenge. Is this working life, we experienced so many kinds of challenges and obstacles in carry out our works. Those challenges most of the time is not established with the same scenario and mode of addressing it also different. That’s why to those whose had exposed him/herself will have better ways/options of doing things right and derive the decision better. Is not only about the work involvement but also about personal involvement in dealing with the challenge. Example of a person personally involved with the challenge compare with a person was indirectly involve but has heard and read which later create some impact the person e.g. person who injured himself in an accident compare with person who just hear and read about the accident.These two factors have influence us a lot in our daily decision making and help us dealing with daily challenge the ways our understanding and experience taught us.Let step back little bits and understanding day to day example of safety is not only about common senses. Start with example why some safety can be considered as common sense and some can’t. Taking driving behavior as an example, a good start with simple example from driving experience, since all of us are driving. An example during going down the hill at our normal speed, our common sense taught us that we have to slow down to ensure we drive at safer speed. Another simple example is at home on how we ensure that not let the sharp knife can be reaches by our kids. It is a common sense that we will put it a safe location and not easily reach by them. What we afraid that they might take and play with it later might get injured. I believed there are many more examples that we simply perceive as common sense.What about those that we can’t consider at common sense? Here is some example that can help to differentiate the different. Let take few example at the plant environment where at one area which has the same system since the first day of the operation until now. Different approval authority has different thought about how thing going on the location or work require at this location, example of prior approving the permit, some approving authority putting so many conditions to same kind of activity but the other approving authority did not do so. Why? It is because those two factors mentioned above that generate individual gaps and creating the same situation to be treated differently. Most of the cases does not contradict the basic safety need of ensure whatever we do does not create or expose to harm or can result in damage. That why most of the concerns do not addressed in the procedure or regulation. Too many things in procedure are also not good. Its will limit our freedom to move and act appropriately. That why safety most of the time is not a common sense. Is about understanding and experience that guide the person to make the judgment and generate proper decision. Let’s think about next statement for a moment, is it at all time our common sense are always same? I am sure most of the time is not common.Therefore, the thought of safety is a common sense should not always be the judgment of our decision making. Let it be senses that are commonly belief, safety is part of us and not other way. Here are some thought that we should have in ensuring our decision is guided with sufficient understanding or knowledge and experience that a person or a group have:1. As a person that values safety as part of his/her value, concept of knowledge based safety shall be a part of his/her working life. Acquire consistence knowledge based safety that can make a person a better perspective of how to prevent of accident at his/her area.2. Seeking opinion(s) if your guts feel said is not a common and unsafe.3. Never make assumption that safety is everyone common sense – good to test it.4. Most of things we do can not be put in writing as procedure. If we want to have all we do in writing as part of the procedure it will not allow us to have a “space” for us to move and it will make us similar to a robot that do thing as per program and instruction.5. Don’t lay your decision as dead end where any issue is common sense and do some check and balance.6. Stop and think deeply prior to make any decision and always challenge the common thought/sense. As Jet Li said in his latest Fearless movie that “the most fearless enemy is within you”.7. Remember to “Take Two” – think, act, knowledge and evaluate for 2 minutes on each activity /decision to be made before you do it.Finally I personally believe if we have our basic right nothing could dictate our judgment in making our decision.taswa

What is Safety?

Safety is define as prevention and control of accidental loss. This definition briefly define the meaning of the word safety. If you open the dictionary it mention something related to danger or in other word "out of danger". It's interrelated. The meaning that I has given here are looking at definition we normally use and promote at work place. Let me explain bit about the definition. Prevention is an active word that tell us to do something upfront that can avoid accident. Therefore identification of hazards which lead to action items generated to eliminate accident. This is the ultimate goal in accident prevention. Another word is about control that need to have to ensure the action, program, system or process initiated and in place is workable and sustainable. In other prespective if we wait for accident to happen than action item or recommendation is in place is more to address the issue. It will be reactive philoshophy rather than active. Accident is about unplanned event than may or result in loss. Loss in term of life, property, environment, reputation and trust. An example of safety related accident is can see daily such as road accident, fire, explosion and etc...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Belajar boling

Hari nih seronok saya belajar bowling. Belajar dengan pakar-pakar bowling yang bermustautin di Pahang. Salah seorang itu adalah bekas pemain bowling negara, dah tak ingat nama dia. Lebih kurang 20 orang yang attend the training yang di-organize oleh syarikat. Minggu lepas dah ada satu sesi latihan tapi saya..miss sebab kena outstation. Itu kali nih ambil peluang nak jugak attend this so called workshop. Saya tak lah selalu main boling tapi tiap-tiap tahun lebih kurang 4 kali kami akan bermain boling dengan agensi kerajaan yang berkaitan. So setakat tahu basic sikit-sikit tuh adalah yang lain tak reti. Apa lagi kalau dapat main,saya balun jer asal kena pin. Hari nih saya belajar dari basic contoh mengenal lane dan tanda-tandanya. Nak tau on the lane if you see the arrows atau dot, it's represent something. Something as a guide to the bowler. So hari nih terbongkar lah sedikit rahsia yang boleh dikata ilmu berguna untuk saya bila nak main boling. Ilmu ini kalau kita tak usaha untuk dapatkan mungkin kita tak jumpa, unless kita tanya atau request for it baru ia datang.Mungkin akan kata tak jugak, you absolutely right sometime knowledge come when you don't even notice it. Yang tuh kalau you perasan untung you kalau tak ia hilang begitu sajer.
Bukan tuh sajer yang saya belajar cara memegang bola dan tahu bola yang sesuai untuk saya. Nak tahu sesuatu, coach tuh kata untuk bola size untuk normal size kita-kita nih adalah antara 13-15. Dia tunjuk saya, kalau you 15. Saya tak try guna 15 lah tadi takut tak larat nak hayut so guna kecik sikit which is 14. Nak tau kalau size 10 ke bawah tuh biasa untuk budak atau remajalah. So tadi saya try no 14. Saya selalunya saya guna no. 11. Offcourse at the first time you feel heavy tapi with the right technique you don't feel the heaviness of the ball. Tapi saya masih perlu banyak belajar steps and control of my swing agar target pins (1&2) or on the 3rd arrow is consistance. I tidak pandai nak cerita detail kat sini on the right technique tapi some basic atau principal of the games tu adalah sikit. Seronok sebab learn something new tapi kena selalu lah biasa-biasakan jangan setahun pegang bola sekali mana nak beri kesan kan?. Macam yang kita selalu dengar "practice make it perfect". Apa-apa pun dalam kehidupan kita kena selalu amal baru berjaya.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


It was in 1988 when I was form five. It was happened to me during my first night stay at school hostel. Located about 15 minutes walk from Sek. Men Sultan Ibrahim I, Pasir Mas, Kelantan. 3 storey typical school design hostel poses rooms, prayer room, toilet, study room and also resident room. My dorm located on the ground floor near to the staircase to the next level. I am lucky to get the lower level of the double decker bed. At that time we still using the net "kelambu". Our hostel is very near to sump area, where mosqito in the night become King. That why it is important to have net for you to have good night sleep. My first night was very scary night. About 2 am in the morning, suddenly I was awaken by marching noise just outside my dorm. My bed was next to the window and walkway to the ground floor toilet. That night I heard a group of peoples marching like an army marching during parade. I was sweat!!! and very difficult to sleep. It is a wierd experinece to me but than I try to make myself strong and fight for it. It took me about an hour before the marching sound gone. It was an experience which I will never forget. Next day, I told my friend what I experienced last night and they laugh at me. They said,it was normal for new comer and they said you pass the test. They told me that the foundation use for building the school was formerly the grave where they buried japanese soldier. I'm not sure wheather I can believe that or is just a story that being told. After that night, I never experiencing the disturbance anymore. May be it is part of the process to build our strenght in dealilng with all kind of creations. For those who never experience this kind of experience, be strong as you know Allah always with if you near to Him. Sometime is only our emotion that conquer us.....wallahualam.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ayahhhhhh...... Takut Baju !!!!!

Nih hah nak cite sikit, kisah seram lah jugak. Kisah kami sekeluarga pada cuti sekolah yang lepas bercuti ke Melaka. Konon-konon nak bawa anak-anak gi bercuti dan kenal dengan negeri Melaka. Hari tuh kami bertolak dari Kuantan lebih kurang jam 3.30 ptg setelah ambil anak saudara yang belajar Matrikulasi kat Gambang. Dalam perjalanan kami sungguh seronok, al maklumlah nak bercuti sakan. Cuti-cuti Malaysia, sampai abang ipar ajak dok tidur rumah dia kat Jasin pun kami tolak sebab nak bermalas-malasan di hotel yang kami tempat. Hari tuh kami sampai melaka lebih kurang jam 8:30 mlm, kebetulanlah teringin sesangat nak gi makan ikan bakar kat Umbai. Nasib baik anak saudara isteri tumpang sekali so dialah tukang tunjuk jalan ke Umbai. Sampai Umbai lebih kurang 9 mlm. Kami order ikan pari buat paih, Ikan siakap masam manis, separuh ikan merah bakar, udang celup tepung dan tak lupa nasi lemak. Last sekali kami makan kat situ masa mula2 kami kahwin 9 tahun lalu bila kakak ipar belajar kami. Almaklumlah masa tuh kita darah masih manis, baru kahwin. sana sini orang ajak makan dan belanja. Oleh kerena kebetulan ke Melaka, kami memang nekad nak gi makan tempat yang menjadi igauan kami terutama isteri saya yang teringin sesangat nak makan nasi lemak. Lepas makan lebih kurang kul 10 mlm kami bertolak balik ke Jasin menghantar anak saudara balik. Sampai Jasin lebih kurang 10:25 mlm. Tanpa meluangkan masa (sebab dah penat dah letih), kami terus balik ke chalet yang kami tempah kat Air Keroh Resort atau nama baru dia Seri Warisan Resot (yer Kot, dah tak ingat dah). Sampai sana hampir kul 11 mlm, dengan penat dan kekeyangan, isteri saya tukang check in dan dapat lah bilik chalet yang kami tempah. 2 bilik dan satu bilik air bersama ruang tamu yang agak besar. Nasib saya baik sebab masuk dulu buat "checking" sebelum benar kan anak-anak masuk. Setelah suis lampu dipasang, didapati chalet itu dipenuhi dangan semut merah (gatal) yang kalau gigit tuh memang sakit dan gatal. Nasib baik saya sahaja yang masuk. Setelah di dapati tidak selamat untuk diduduki saya menalipon reception and meminta dilakukan sesuatu. 10 minit kemudian, jaga pun datanglah dengan motor kapcainyer dan meminta kami gunakan chalet yang lain. Kami tak kisah sebab dah penat dan lebih, kalau boleh nak settle down cepat-cepat dan boleh tidur. Selepas masuk satu chalet baru didapati masih berselerak tak di keamas dengan betul, housekeeping tak dilakukan dengan sempurna. Pak cik guard tadi minta kami ke rumah sebelah lagi bernombor 315. Alhamdulillah rumah OK dan bilik tidur dalam keadaan rapi. Jadi kami ambil keputusan untuk tinggal di chalet itu. Chalet ini, lebih luas dan besar dari yang kami sewa. So aper lagi seronok lah, kalau di ikutkan harga yang dipamerkan dalam internet, harga chalet suite itu agak mahal dari yang kami sewa. So kami dengan seronok nya mengangkat barang turun. Masa tuh saya perasan yang tepi-tepi dinding penuh dengan taik cicak. Kami ingat, isykkkk mungkin dah lama dia orang tak buat house keeping. So sebelum kami tidur atau mandi, saya sempat buat sedikit housekeeping sapu, basuh dan buang taik cicak yang banyak dalam bilik air, bilik tidur. Masa tuh dah hampir jam 11:30mlm. Setelah selesai mandikan anak-anak, yang sulung dan yang kedua mula masuk bilik tidur mereka yang di lengkapi dangan air con. Punya lah seronok mereka dapat bilik ber air-con. Letak kepala terus tidur sampai pagi. Saya, isteri dan anak saya yang no. 3 dan 4 tidur dalam master bedroom. Katilnya agak besar jugak muat lah untuk kami berempat. kerana terlalu mengantuk kami anak no. 4 saya tidur dengan lenanya dan dia tidur bersebelahan dengan saya. Anak lelaki saya tidur sebelah isteri saya. Malam pertama anak lelaki yang no. 3 tidak berapa menunujuk sangat reaksi dia nampak sesuatu yang kami tak nampak. Malam tuh kami tidur dengan lena tanpa memasang lampu. Sedar-sedar sudah hampir siang, saya dan isteri bangun dan besolat subuh dan terus kembali tidur hingga anak-anak kami bangun. Al maklumlah , kira nak bermalas-malas katakan. Pagi tuh kami gi breakfast pun agak lambat lebbih kurang jam 10 pagi. masa tuh makanan kat dewan makan pun hanya tinggal serdak dan roti yang lebih kurang jer. Alhamdulillah semua makan dan keyang. Tapi pagi tuh, anak no 3 saya badan dia agak panas sikit. Nih bukan panas demam, tapi panas agak pelik. Kami tak berapa kisah sangat sebab walaupun badanya panas, dia aktif dan tak nampak macam tak sihat. Hari tuh seharian kami pusing-pusing dan jalan di bandar hilir nak tengok tempat bersejarah seperti muzium sumudra, naik ke kota A fomosa dan melawat muzium kesultanan Melaka. Masa tuh dah hampir jam 2 petang. Perut dah lapar, lalu kami ke shopping bersebelahan tuh (tak silap mahkota somethingg....) makan lunch kat situ dan balik ke Chalet untuk berehat. Agak-agak jam 5:30 ptg kami bertolak ke Jasin sebab anak saudara isteri jemput makan malam. Kira makan free lah malam tuh. Lebih kurang kul 10 malam kami bertolak balik ke Chalet sampai setengah jam kemudian. Bila sahaja sampai ke Chalet tuh, anak no. 3 saya takut nak masuk. Masa tuh kami masih tak perasan, lepas mandi sembahyang, anak sulung dan kedua saya minta tidur sama2, katanya takut. Msa tuh kami dah start tak sedap hati. OKlah tak per so bentangkan cadar biar depa tidur kat bawah. Seperti biasa anak yang keemapat saya selepas mandi dia tidur dengan lenanya. Tapi anak ke tiga saya mula meragam, dia asyikdok sebut tak nak tidur...takuttttt sambil menunjuk ke siling. dan masa tuh mata dia bergerak macam terlihat sesuatu kesana kemari. Saya dah tertidur dah masa tuh tapi isteri kejut suruh saya tidur sebelah anak lelaki saya tuh. Dia tak bagi tutup lampu dan asyik dok tunjuk siling macam ada sesuatu. Betul orang kata budak-budak nih Allah bagi kelebihan boleh nampak aper yang kita tak nampak. Malam tuh dia tak nak pejam masa dan gelisah kesana kemari...mungkin kerana terlalu mengantuk dia tertidurlah. Saya sambil peluk dia dan membelai-belai dia pun tertidur sama. Sedar2 dia kejut dan tunjuk muka saya dan berkata....takutttttttt. Dalam hati benda nih dok atas kepala aku ke?...(naik bulu roma saya semasa menaip nih, masih teringat lagi). Malam tuh saya baca beberapa ayat Allah, alhamdulillah Dia membantu. Sampai pagi lah kami tidur. Keesokan hari nih kami dah macam tak sabar dah nak check out dan menruskan pejalanan kami balik Perak. Setelah breakfast (awal sikit hari nih jam 9pg) kami terus check out dan meninggal kan Melaka menuju ke Perak. Lepas sahaja tol Air Keroh tuh, anak yang ketiga saya pun bercerita lah dengan pelat2 dia tuh katanya ayah atif takut "baju" dan sambil buat macam nih (dia demonstrate cara melambai-lambai). Punya lah naikk ghoose bump kami suami-isteri. Itulah pengalaman mengerikan kami dan dari cerita ini mungkin boleh di ambil pengajaran yang mungkin berguna....kalau tengok bagunan yang penuhh dengan taik cicak...hah tuh lama dah tuh orang tak masuk...benda lain mungkin dok lepak, kalau bawa anak2 kecik...tak yoh lah dok chalet2 tuh..dok jer hotel yang selalu orang ada...wallahualam...

The Unique and Wierd Thing

Hi, you guys out there!
Blessing from Almighty Allah to you guys who willingly to spend some time reading my blogger. This is a first time for me writing and sharing something about myself. I have many dreams, one of it is to be an amatuer writer that share some knowledge, skill and expertise that I borrow with the intention it will be beneficial to human kinds. Sharing is learning !
Let's me start with the unique and wierd thing first. Some of you may wonder why I start with this. In my life, people surround me who first time knowing me will normally suprise to see my name and who I am look like. The first impression that I usually experienced was seeing their face of suprises. I thought you were an Indian/Indonesian/Thai, etc....., that was that told me. I am not. Only my name is little bit unique and some time peoples said bit wierd for Malay name. On the phone when someone called me, I normally praise them with Salam, some of them wouldn't reply my salam. I think their perception thought them with this kins of name, it physical looks should looks like this....hehehehe. I think I know why.... once they getting to know me, they start to dig where I'm from, how on earth my parent get my name and I would tell you now how/where the name come from but one of the things I still remember that people that know me before and if lucky we meet again after few years of lost contact, they will said.....I know you, your name little bit wierd and unique, when I mentioned my name, they will reply with.....Ahhhhhhhhh...yes, now I know.
I feel that I'm lucky that have this unique and wierd name which make me easy to be remember by friends and relatives. That make me unique and different. That name had helped me a lot to have friends and make me a strong persons. Strong in term of feeling and response. In the early days, I did planned to change my name to something normal, due to berauchratic procedure that we have I canceled my intention and leave with it until the rest of my life and I still beleived there is only one that has this wierd and unique name....and it is me. That name has make me so unique and special. To friends outside, be proud with your name and it is your trade mark that no one will take from you.