Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Wealth, Health, Happiness - What are you looking for?

What are you searching and looking for in your life? Wealth, Health, Happiness, Become rich guide, or just statisfaction in life, or just an ordinary life. I think it is a tough question to answer. I have a dream to become a doctor, but failed to be one. My secondary gred was not so good to entitled me for medical study. Later somehow, I was involved in the chemistry world which I do not really envy before. After completing the Diploma study, I changed my path by taking engineering which later I found I love it. During the study years, I was dreamt to be an engineer which will dealt with process and work in the chemical plant. I started with my career after graduate from Chemical Engineering as research officer working in information technology organization. At that time, I am doing the research on information technology such as Traffic Light control system and later doing Computer based training package for local vacational institution. You know what, I am phobia with computer at that time. I am forcing myself to learn new thing especially on computer. At that time computer started becoming an important tool to assist people in work. I glad that I was exposed to that at least keep me updated with the latest and understand detail about how computer work. I strongly belief Allah, did choose me to take those paths and become as what I am today. Today I am dealing with Safety, one thing for sure I enjoyed doing it and being doing it for the past 10 years and still enjoy doing it. I am passionating about doing it. When you doing it, you feel like helping other and yourself to have a safe workplace. So my collegues and friends can come to work without worry and return from work safely. Are we helping other, or just thinking about ourself?. Is that great feeling? While working earning some wealth for me and my family, at the same time I helping other. What about you? do you have something in common? Life is very short, today we are here tomorrow you never know you are still here. Let's leave sometime useful that will be use and remember. For me, in this life we are not only chasing for materialism but it is more than that. So look for thing that you love most and partly can be part of you later when you are gone.....May Allah bless us all.


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