Surat Khabar Lama
It was on Sunday morning a week ago. As usual I wake up in the early morning and plan to bring my family for Sunday's breakfast. While preparing, suddenly I'm hearing a loud speaker voice saying "Surat Khabar lama" "Old Newspaper" repeatedly. At that moment, it help me to recalled that my old newspapers in the store are ready to be recycle/sell. I stored the old newspapers in the store under the staircase. I asked my 2nd son to call the old newspaper guy. During that time I started to transfer the old newspapers from store room to front of my house for easy collection. While transfering the old newspapers which beome the last portion of the newspaper to be removed, at that time my safety moments doesn't work properly. I lifted with left hand in awkward position. Immediately after that I can feel sharp pain at my left waist. At that moment, i become static and cann't move properly. I have to call my kids to help transfering the last portion of the old newspapers. After a while I experiencing the sharp pain and in the static position, slowly I move my leg and walk toward the front door to see the newspaper guys weighing the papers. Is about 50 kg of weight which in return we got about RM8 for the old newspapers price. The old newspaper guys asked me what happen? and I replied to him that I just lifted the the old newspaper in awkward position and got waist injury. For few days I have been suffering of waist pain. The newspaper man saw me in the pain and advise to me to lift the paper properly. He show me how to lift the heavy stuffs and avoid injury. He show me the correct way which using knee as strong strenght to lift any heavy good. He demonstrate to me few times to ensure that I really understand how to lift. In my thought at that time, at work place I thought people how to lift safely and being consider as safety expert at my place of work. Laughting to myself of th leasson I learnt that day. The good things about this lesson is, never look down of peoples with thier status but the knowledge or experience that they have counts!. I learn a big lesson that day that we need to be reminded most of the time and as human we tend to forget things if we rarely practice it. You can apply this to any application or activity. Another good lesson that change my thought is that, you think you know but actual you are not there to demonstrate that you really know unless you really did that. In split second if you ignore the important of safety that where you will involve in incident of accident....try to recall some of accident that occurred to you and try to think it is true hhat I did said just now. Judge yourself if it really valueble to you.